5-amino-1MQ is an inhibitor of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). This particular enzyme plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy homeostasis. In recent studies NNMT is up-regulated in white adipose tissue of mice compared to other tissues, thus, NNMT is an ideal target for anti-obesity medication. 5-amino-1MQ was found highly beneficial for selectivity against NNMT activity, without impacting any other molecule involved in the methionine or NAD-
scavenging pathways. 5-amino-1MQ is a derivative of methyl quinolinium (MQ) which promotes NNMT inhibition, cell viability, and membrane absorption.
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Reduction in body fat.
Reverse diet-induced obesity.
Increases NAD+ and SAM concentrations in fat cells.
Promotes lipolysis.
Prevents lipogenesis (fat accumulation).
Inhibits NNMT (Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase) to enhance fat cell metabolism.
Modulates cellular energy balance.
Promotes the metabolism of fat rather than its storage in adipocytes.
Elif A. Oral Cell M Neelakantan H, Vance V, Wetzel MD, Wang H-YL, McHardy SF, Finnerty CC, et al. Selective and membrane-permeable small molecule inhibitors
of nicotinamide, N-methyltransferase reverses high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2018;147(Supplement C):141-52. -
Kraus D, Yang Q, Kong D, Banks AS, Zhang L, Rodgers JT, Pirinen E, Pulinilkunnil TC, Gong F, Wang YC, Cen Y, Sauve AA, Asara JM, Peroni OD, Monia BP, Bhanot S, Alhonen L, Puigserver P, Kahn BB. NicotinamideN-methyltransferase knockdown protects against diet-induced obesity. Nature. 508(7495):258–262, APRIL 10TH,